1. Target Keywords
Check your Google Keywords and Analytic tools to see which keyword has higher search rate
2. Guides
Write guides how to use your product or services you offer. Writing guides may help your potential client to understand what you offer.
3. Enquiry
What type of questions or enquiry you receive most of the time?
4. Forum Question
There are times where user ask question in forum, if you are offering services related to those question, you may write an article in detailed related to this.
Compile list of quotes in your industry.
6. Charts
Compile charts in explaining how your product or services was being used in the market.
7. Info Graphic
Image speaks louder than words; draw images to illustrate how to use your product or services you offer.
8. News
Is there any special news happening around? Write a summary or a round up about it.
9. Best Practices
What are the best practices about using the product or services you are selling or offer.
10. Survey
Write a review about the survey you are running. This can help your potential customer to have a better understanding of what you are offering and selling.
11. Case Studies
Write case studies of what you have done with your previous customer. This will be able to build the trust between you and your potential customer.
12. Comparison Chart
If you are offering few related products or services, you may write a comparison chart or comparison table with it.
13. Benefits
What are the benefits of using product you sell or services you offer? Does it enlighten your customer business?
14. Review
List down the honest review about product and services you sell or offer.
15. Trends
Explain and predict trends in the market.
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